Frank Varvaris: A Legacy of Advocacy and Expertise in Financial Planning for Individuals with Disabilities
Frank Varvaris originally began his career in the financial services industry.
In 1990, Mr. Varvaris established his own consulting and planning firm located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that provides fee-based estate and financial planning assistance specifically to persons with disabilities and their families. Additionally, the agency has expanded its role to include a number of other services for consumers and also for professionals who work in the disability field, including special needs trust administration.
Frank has written Social Security Work Incentive Plans for clients, assisted clients with resource concerns including inheritance issues, and he has assisted V.A. clients with financial counseling concerns, including help with Social Security Disability benefits. His office is an approved E.N. (provider) by SSA through the Ticket To Work Program, and he has an agreement in place with IVRS to work with their referrals.
Learn About the ABLE Act: Presentation by Frank A. Varvaris
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